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Martsang Dechen Nyru class

The Martsang Dechen Nyru translates as ‘essential teachings on the swift path to great bliss’. Its nectar blessings and teachings form the quintessential meditational practice stages, that follow on from having developed a solid foundation from hearing, studying and contemplating the Martsang Lam Rim.

The practices are a bridge between Sutra and Vajrayana practice and so introduce the concept of deity practice and the importance of relying on the master, both of which are necessary requirements to study and practice the Martsang Mahamudra.

Entry requirement: to have completed the Martsang Lam Rim course.



This where the Dechen Nyer Lam Rim plays such an important role, emphasising the essential points of the Lam Rim in the form of an accessible daily meditation. The teaching is presented in three expositions – the vast, the middling and the condensed – that provide three different formats for the practice depending on how much time is available. In this way, it is perfectly suited for modern living, such that the vast exposition can be practiced over hours, if the student has the time, whereas the short exposition in the form of a prayer, can be completed in a matter of minutes.

The vast exposition starts by introducing the wish-fulfilling tree, which is a powerful visualisation that brings the student close to the guru and lineage, and forms the basis of taking refuge, and later for the practice of Guru Yoga. The student then reflects on the key teachings on a precious human life, impermanence and death, and the abandonment of non-virtue. In the middle, the student considers the suffering of cyclical existence in the realms of samsara and the causes of suffering as karma and afflictions. This is followed by considering the methods of developing bodhicitta, before taking the bodhisattva vow. Finally, one contemplates the six perfections, considering each one in turn, before resting the mind in the union of emptiness and appearance. The meditation is then finished with supplication and dedication.

Even though quite simple in nature, this meditation is incredibly powerful. Whilst the main Lam Rim course provides the prerequisite details, it is the meditation of the Dechen Nyer Lam Rim that really starts to transform these teachings from understanding into wisdom, and from theory into practice. It is a complete teaching that is the union of shamatha (calm abiding) and vispashyana (special insight), and with daily practice one can accumulate extraordinary merit and achieve many realisations. Even if one progresses into the tantric teachings, the continued practice of the Dechen Nyer Lam Rim keeps one grounded in the fundamental teachings of the Buddha. It provides a wonderful source of renewed motivation and keeps one’s heart open and compassionate, whilst providing the insight that’s forms the basis for realising emptiness. It is a truly beautiful, profound and precious practice.



After completing the Martsang Lam Rim; a deep and vast course of study, I was keen to embark on the next stage of my spiritual journey in Buddhism, which was to study the Dechen Nyur with His Holiness. This rewarding experience builds a solid foundation for the Mahamudra preliminaries, as well as reinforcing, deepening, and broadening my understanding of the Lam Rim, which in my view, is subject matter that can be returned to time after time. As it never fails to provide a frame of reference with which to navigate daily and spiritual life; a wonderful blessing, especially in these globally challenging times

Later Event: 7 September
Martsang Lam Rim class