
The MKUKBC Membership Scheme is a “not-for-profit” programme designed to raise funds to support the running costs of the Martsang Kagyu UK Buddhist Centre and the Martsang Kagyu international charity work, while at the same time providing various benefits to members. Become a member of the Martsang Kagyu UK Buddhist Centre to enjoy exclusive benefits and accumulate merits. 

If your application is successful, the following member benefits are as follows, some of the benefits relate to the level of individual MKUKBC membership tier.

  • You will be granted a 10% discount on all courses except Martsang Lam Rim, Dechen Nyru, Mahamudra & Empowerment for each person who joins MKUKBC membership scheme. 

  • You can access the dharma articles for members. (please note: this is for the new website system only)

  • You will receive the annual gift.

  • You can access the annual celebration event.

Our Dharma community is like the Bodhi tree, it continues to grow to offer support, shelter and nourishment to benefit all sentient beings everywhere. Your support is the nourishment of the Bodhi Tree. 

Current membership fees

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*The membership certificate is for people who join the scheme for at least one year.

Join as a member

We would be most grateful for any donation. Click the button above to start your journey as a member :)  Thank you!

TO: Dear MKUKBC members & Volunteers,

Martsang Kagyu UK Buddhist Centre would like to thank you for your support over the past year. Your support is vital and enables us to provide incredible Buddhist courses and opportunities for those wishing to pursue their interest in Buddhism.